Connecting people is what SPEAK is all about - however, there is content and behaviors that we cannot allow on our platform due to safety, legal, or ethical reasons. If SPEAK determines that the content that you posted or the usage that you are making of the SPEAK platform goes against any of the following instructions, we may remove your post and/or profile at our sole discretion.
Be real: fake accounts & impersonation
SPEAK profiles are intended to represent real people. User profiles must be honest and authentic. Creating fake accounts, malicious accounts, or accounts meant to impersonate another person, is prohibited on the SPEAK platform.
Be respectful and don't Spam
Respecting people's personal choices, and personal boundaries is essential to creating safe and trusting relationships. Be respectful in interactions with people and in content posted on the platform. SPEAK monitors and restricts behaviors that are dishonest, undermine the integrity of the platform, violate personal boundaries, or serve to intentionally upset people. Content posted in Discussion groups that is irrelevant, impersonal, unsolicited, promotional, or repetitive is considered spam.
Act with integrity: do not manipulate or exploit
Any attempt to use someone's insecurities or vulnerabilities for personal gain is considered manipulation or exploitation and is prohibited. We also don't allow content that exposes users to deceptive or harmful financial products and services. For the purposes of this policy, we consider financial products and services to be those related to the management or investment of money and cryptocurrencies, including personalized advice.
Be Kind
Bullying, harassment, exploitation, and acts of hate undermine community building in safe spaces where people can trust one another. SPEAK enforces against behaviors that are threatening, intentionally malicious, or personally harmful--physically, emotionally, or mentally.
Harassment and bullying are not allowed in SPEAK. SPEAK will honor requests to remove content from the SPEAK platform that publicly shames or degrades a private individual and will expel members that have such behavior during language groups and events.
We don't allow content that lacks reasonable sensitivity towards or capitalize on a natural disaster, atrocity, conflict, death, or other tragic events.
Sexual Content and Nudity
Pornography is not allowed on the SPEAK platform. Publicly shared photos and text must be appropriate for general audiences. Nude or sexual photos or texts are not allowed. SPEAK prohibits users who use SPEAK to propose for sex, or to promote or engage in prostitution.
Child Endangerment
SPEAK has a zero-tolerance policy regarding child pornography or anything that exploits minors. Content that sexualizes minors is subject to immediate removal from the Platform, including but not limited to content that promotes pedophilia or inappropriate interaction targeted at a minor (e.g. groping or caressing); and the uploader will be banned. If we become aware of content with child sexual abuse imagery, we will report it to the appropriate authorities.
Shocking, disturbing, and violent content
Content with excessive violence, blood, and gore; content that depicts or encourages harmful and dangerous activities is prohibited. We also don’t allow content that promotes negative body or self-image including content that depicts for entertainment purposes plastic surgery, weight loss, and other cosmetic adjustments to a person's physical appearance. In addition, using the SPEAK platform to promote, facilitate, or organize violent, criminal, or non-consensual actions that endanger anyone, others or one-self, physically, mentally or emotionally, is prohibited.
Respect Privacy: Don't Post Other People's Private Information
Posting other people's private information without their explicit consent is prohibited. Users should always be mindful of privacy and use discretion when sharing any private content that belongs to themselves or to other members. For example, phone numbers, social security numbers, addresses, financial information, passwords, and government identification are considered private information.
Real-Money Gambling, Games, and Contests
We don't allow content or services that facilitate online gambling, including, but not limited to, online casinos, sports betting and lotteries, and games of skill that offer prizes of cash or other real-world value.
Hate Speech and Supremacy
We don't allow content that promotes violence or incites hatred against individuals or groups based on beliefs, race or ethnic origin, religion, disability, age, nationality, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or any other characteristic that is associated with systemic discrimination or marginalization.
Dangerous Products
We don't allow content that intends to sell or provides instructions for the manufacture of explosives, firearms, ammunition, or certain firearms accessories.
Unapproved Substances and illegal activities
We don't allow content that intends to sell marijuana or marijuana products, tobacco (including e-cigarettes and vape pens), or alcohol, or encourages the illegal or inappropriate use of marijuana, alcohol, or tobacco. We don’t allow content that promotes any illegal activities.
Copyright and IP
We respect the intellectual property rights of others. Posting content that violates another party's intellectual property rights is prohibited.
In addition, we strongly encourage you to report any objectionable User-Generated Content or behavior according to SPEAK’s terms of use. You can either contact the team at or fill out this
anonymous form.